Setting smart, achievable goals is important if you want to take charge of your financial life. But many of us are surprisingly bad at choosing the goals that actually matter most to us….
Love and Money
Maintaining a successful long-term relationship, and continuing to thrive over the long haul, is a team effort. Both partners have to be all in, both emotionally and logistically. This goes beyond divvying up household duties and co-parenting: one responsibility that's easy to forget about is balancing love and money by managing your joint finances. …
New Year, Time to Review and Plan
Last week’s blog, the first of the New Year, highlighted that the top financial resolutions people made were to save more and spend less for 2019. While good intentioned, we know making resolutions stick for the whole year (or even past the first few months!) is where most of us fail. So, in order to back those good intentions with a solid plan, here is a list of 10 things to do now to improve chances of making 2019 a success on the personal financial planning front…