
Smoothing Out the Transition

Up until retirement, the main goal has been to grow the pile of money as much as possible, but after retirement that goal changes. Retirees desire certainty in the fact that the money will be there when they need to spend it and it will last as long as they do. This certainty can come from a variety of strategies and investments, but the first step is developing a structured income plan in retirement: “How will you replace your paycheck?”…

Should You Max Out Your 401(k) Contribution?

Last year, the IRS increased 401(k) contributions for 2019 to $19,000 annually (versus the maximum contribution limit of $18,500 for 2018). That means that workers looking to max out their 401(k) should be reviewing their contribution percentages now to account for that extra $500….

Make the Right Choices for Your Retirement

Once your reach retirement, you will face the challenge of deciding how and when you will take your money out to support yourself. When making these choices, you need to decide how you want to receive income after retirement….