Not for Lack of Confidence

The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies recently released its 18th Annual Retirement Survey. This year’s survey offers a multi-year trend analysis on approximately 60 indicators of retirement readiness….

#1 Reason for Tapping Retirement Savings Early

Most people know it's not the wisest idea to borrow or withdraw money from your retirement fund before you retire. And yet 29% of Americans have taken out a 401(k) loan, according to a study from TIAA-CREF Financial Services, and of those who have borrowed from their 401(k), nearly half have taken out two or more loans….

Women, Divorce and Retirement

While the divorce rate peaked in 2000 in the U.S., the financial costs continue to be high. Furthermore, a divorce has a huge impact on the respective spouse’s retirement prospects, with divorced women usually left with less financial security than their male counterparts….

Reality Bites

It’s time for Millennials to face a grim reality – you will need to plan around Social Security’s projected insolvency. The Social Security Act turned 83 on August 14, and without significant changes, the prognosis is terminal for the ailing program…..