IRA Deductibility and the TCJA – Status Quo

As April 15, tax day, looms, many individuals rush to squeak in an IRA contribution for the 2018 tax year…. One question that looms large this year, however, is whether changes to the tax code, which are expected to lead to many fewer taxpayers claiming itemized deductions versus claiming the standard deduction starting in 2018, affect the deductibility of those IRA contributions….

A Worldwide Worry

If you’re worried about saving enough for retirement, you’ve got company all over the world. A new survey shows that even workers in countries with strong social safety nets fret over their financial futures. ING surveyed almost 15,000 people in Europe, the U.S., and Australia, and found the majority worry whether they’ll have enough money in retirement….

Love and Money

Maintaining a successful long-term relationship, and continuing to thrive over the long haul, is a team effort. Both partners have to be all in, both emotionally and logistically. This goes beyond divvying up household duties and co-parenting: one responsibility that's easy to forget about is balancing love and money by managing your joint finances. …